Top Posts, the Lemming,
and Other Stuff

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

American Art Archives: Commercial Art Gets a Showing

American Art Archives
"American Art Archives is dedicated to the memory of the great Illustration Artists."

American Art Archive's got the works of over 150 artists, from Samuel Nelson Abbott to N. C. Wyeth, and are looking for more.

The website includes a page of Pepsi advertising. That was a trip down memory lane for me. And evidence that Pepsi was recycling art before 'green' became the in thing.

Fun? Definitely.
They're careful to point out that everything there is copyrighted material. Not in the public domain. They spell this out on their "Legal" page. That's why I'm not showing any examples: "WEB GRAPHICS: All graphic elements found on this site, including those of magazine, book, advertising, etc., artwork (which have been scanned, restored, and saved at great time and expense by American Art Archives), are owned by American Art Archives and were designed or manipulated for use by American Art Archives and may not be used or copied for any purpose or medium without the express written consent of American Art Archives."

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