Top Posts, the Lemming,
and Other Stuff

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Amazing Artificial Islands: Weird, Real, and Both

"45 Amazing and Incredible Artificial Islands"
lifeinthefastlane (July 9, 2008)

Breathless titles like that make be dubious from the get-go, but this post warrants that title.

"Artificial islands — those created by humans rather than natural means — constructed in the distant past and becoming increasingly rampant in recent years have been built by all sorts of revolutionary and bizarre methods and materials, from construction upon existing reefs, drudging of sand and blasted rock, to stainless steel, and even trash...."

What follows is a collection of photos, text, and video, showing actual works in progress, exotic daydreams, and a few exotic daydreams in progress.

And, yes: Dubai is well-represented.

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