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Friday, June 27, 2008

Waterbeds for Cows: Udder Bliss

Waterbeds for cows. No kidding.

The bovine beds boost production. Plus, the cows like them.
  • "Cow Waterbeds Boost Milk Production" (March 18, 2008)
    • "BAINBRIDGE, Ohio (AP) - Happy cows produce more milk. That's why Bill Timmons has put 200 waterbeds in his barn.
    • "The Geauga County farmer says he spent nearly $40,000 doing it, too.
    • "Crazy? Timmons says far from it. He says daily milk production jumped more than 20 percent after just two weeks of the cows relaxing in their new beds...."
  • "Cows on Waterbeds?"
    FOX News Blogs » On The Scene » Jeff Goldblatt (June 27, 2008)
    • "... Today, is one of those dirty days. The location: Green Bay, Wisconsin. The place: a dairy barn. The story: cows that sleep on waterbeds....
    • The rest of this post tells about dairy farmer Alan Tauscher and how he got 500 more gallons a year out of his 250-head herd by installing waterbeds in the barn. That was about six years ago.
    • The idea is to make the stalls more comfortable for the cows. They're less stressed, and more likely to lie down: which is good news, since when cows lie down, more blood flows through the udder. And that means more milk is produced.
  • Advanced Comfort Technology Inc.
    • "Advanced Comfort Technology, Inc. partners with local dealers throughout the world in providing sales, service and installation of Dual Chamber Cow Comfort Cushion, Wave Comfort Traction Belting and the ACT Manure & Feed Alley Scrapers...."
I know: it sounds crazy. But, it works.

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