Top Posts, the Lemming,
and Other Stuff

Monday, June 16, 2008

Ten World-Class Time-Wasters

"10 Wonderful Websites with Which to Waste Time at Work"
Webupon (June 8, 2008)

"Work is often best avoided. However, don’t be aimless while you are slacking. Check out these websites of excellence to discover ways to while away the time at work. Head phones are just a suggestion if you wish to keep your job."

I don't agree with the assertion that "work is often best avoided." On the other hand, these look like ten really fun websites: starting with "Horse Quartet" and running through "The Idiot Test" by way of " Design a Flower." That last one is a sort of un-origami way to make transmittable flowers.

Enjoy - but keep working. :)

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