Top Posts, the Lemming,
and Other Stuff

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Seven Really Big Bugs

Update (February 27, 2011)
This page,, is no longer available. The URL now leads to a 'squatter' page. Pity, that.
"7 Largest Insects and Crawlers"
Patricia Holden MD|travel and medicine (undated, probably very early June 2008)

"I was reorganizing and redesigning my daughter’s room this weekend when I found a widow spider in one of the boxes that were left in her room. My daughter, scared of insects, held on to me while I tried to capture the spider and throw it outside. ..."

What follows is why it's a good idea to handle a widow spider carefully, if at all. And, descriptions of seven really big things with exoskeletons, with photos.

Happily, some of the photos have a person's hand or arm in the frame, to give an idea of how big the insects (and insect-like critters) are.

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