Top Posts, the Lemming,
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Monday, June 16, 2008

MIT Strata Center: Architectural Bad Trip is Molding

"MIT Stata Center sues architect Frank Gehry"
eBestMagazine (November 6, 2007)

"The Massachusetts Institute of Technology is suing renowned architect Frank Gehry, alleging serious design flaws in the $300 million Stata Center."

(Photo by Jonas_K, used w/o permission)

MIT didn't file the lawsuit because its directors sobered up and realized what the $300,000,000 center looks like. The building is molding.

"Lost in the Funhouse" ( (February, 2008)) is a pretty good discussion of what seems to have gone so horribly wrong with this architectural bad trip.

The short version is that the architect and contractor managed to put of a 'perfect lemon' of sloppy specifications and construction. As one fellow, who knows how buildings are supposed to be put together said in the article: "It was obvious it wasn't going to work from watching it go up."

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