Top Posts, the Lemming,
and Other Stuff

Sunday, June 22, 2008

Desktop? What Kind of Desktop?

"Stupid Client Quote #6381"
clientcopia (June 10, 2008)

"In 2000, when ADSL connections weren't so diffused in Italy, I worked in the customer care of a TLC company, I helped people to configure their 56k dial up connections, mechanically repeating the same instructions about 40 times per day. But one day I faced a really weird customer. After about 15 minutes of telling him what to do to setup his remote connection, ..."

What comes next is so weird that it's believable.

I wouldn't call the customer at the other end stupid, though. Clueless, certainly, but not necessarily stupid.

(I keep coming back to clientcopia - it's quite a source for the all-too-human side of business.)

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