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Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Cape Cod to San Francisco Bay: Long-Lost Lighthouse Found

"Cape lighthouse mystery solved"
Cape Cod Times (June 4, 2008)

"WELLFLEET — File it under lost and found in a big way.

"Long thought gone forever, a Cape Cod lighthouse that once overlooked Wellfleet Harbor was recently rediscovered almost 3,000 miles away on a rocky Californian cliff.

" 'The story has always been that that little 30-foot lighthouse in Wellfleet was taken down and destroyed,' said Jim Walker, chairman of the Cape Cod Chapter of the American Lighthouse Foundation. 'Here we are 80 some odd years later and it's been discovered. I think it's fantastic that it's not lost and gone.'... "

The article includes a photo and several links.

There's a collection of photos with the article.

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