Top Posts, the Lemming,
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Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Big Moon Illusion Tomorrow Night

"See a Huge Moon Illusion Wednesday " (June 17, 2008)

"As the full moon rises this Wednesday evening, June 18, many people will be fooled into thinking it's unusually large.

"The moon illusion, as it's known, is a trick in our minds that makes the moon seem bigger when it's near the horizon. The effect is most pronounced at full moon. Many people swear it's real, suggesting that perhaps Earth's atmosphere magnifies the moon.

"But it really is all in our minds. The moon is not bigger at the horizon than when overhead...."

The article explains the illusion, with diagrams, and tells how you can test the size of the moon yourself.

Pretty good 'backyard astronomy' information and advice.

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