Top Posts, the Lemming,
and Other Stuff

Thursday, May 1, 2008

Video Game System Selection Flowchart: Biased, but Funny


This highly biased and opinionated flow chart helps you decide:
"What Video Game System Should I Own?"

It's also rather funny.
Update (December 18, 2009)

The original URL now redirects you to - I'll get to that in a minute.

The "What Video Game System Should I Own?" graphic seems to have gone viral - I found it, and variations - elsewhere. This seems to be a fairly stable source, as of today: About the original URL:

following this post's original link would have ended up redirecting you to an utterly irrelevant page. I'm pretty sure, now, that the original graphic and the current redirect were part of the 'clever' marketing that's earned entrepreneurs a bad reputation.

An undeserved one, in my opinion. But then, I'm biased. I'm an entrepreneur of sorts, myself: one of those who thinks that a sensible way to succeed is to:
  • Offer a product or service
  • Let people who might be interested know about it and
    • Show how your product or service
      • Entertains
      • Helps
      • Informs
      • Solves
      • Whatever
Sure, that's nowhere near as 'clever' as putting naughty words in HTML tags; setting up 'bait and switch' websites; or disabling the "back" button. But I'd rather get an audience by producing something people like, than redirecting traffic to a rather dull page about -- marketing, I think it was, in this case -- and trying to sell space to the page to gullible advertisers.

Oh, well. Not everybody defines "success" the same way.

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