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Monday, May 12, 2008

This Reeks: Blog Thief Rips Off Content for Profit

"90 blogs of stolen content"
BlogCatalog discussion thread (started May 12, 2008)

"I was just looking through my technorati pages, and found quite a few of my posts had been stolen. Upon tracing this site owner, I found that he has 90 blogs listed (every subject you can imagine), all with stolen content, and for the purpose of earning from Adsense.

"If anyone would like to take a look to see if they find their content on one of his sites, his technorati "name" is, ximplix

The discussion thread has a growing collection of useful advice, and links to more detailed advice for dealing with data thieves like this.

One of the links is to
"Splog Off! Dealing with content theft"
one cool site: wordpress blogging tips (May 10, 2008)

" Splogs, are artificially created weblog sites which the author uses to promote affiliated websites or to increase the search engine rankings of ...."

Related posts, on Intellectual Property Rights


  1. This splogger joined Technorati in 2006 and it would appear that none of his blogs has a higher Authority than 4. (Forgive me if I'm wrong I scanned very quickly.) It seems obvious his motivation is to financially gain from stealing content from others. I'm glad to hear that he's being outed. The bottom line is that if we bloggers want to tackle the splogging problem than we must vigilant and prepared to act.

  2. timethief,

    I agree with your bottom line.

    Thanks for your comment.


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