Top Posts, the Lemming,
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Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Ted Kennedy Brian Tumor: In the Parietal Lobe

In America, any time a Kennedy sneezes twice, it's news.

What's happening to United States Senator "Ted" Kennedy this week is international news:
  • "Ted Kennedy airlifted to hospital"
    The Australian (May 19, 2008)
  • " Doctors: Ted Kennedy has malignant brain tumor"
    CNN (May 20, 2008)
    "BOSTON, Massachusetts (CNN) -- U.S. Sen. Edward M. Kennedy has a malignant brain tumor, doctors treating him at Massachusetts General Hospital said Tuesday.
    "Kennedy, 76, was hospitalized Saturday morning after suffering a seizure at his family's compound at Hyannisport, Massachusetts.
    " 'Preliminary results from a biopsy of the brain identified the cause of the seizure as a malignant glioma in the left parietal lobe,' according to a hospital statement."
I pulled together a few online resources about Senator Kennedy, and the parietal lobe. And, of course, "Understanding Sen. Kennedy's Cancer Diagnosis"
NPR (May 20, 2008)

Senator Edward "Ted" Kennedy also made a name for himself outside the Senate chambers: He's the "Chappaquiddick" Kennedy. The FBI has a file available online as *.pdf documents, in two parts:

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