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Friday, May 30, 2008

A Post About America's Memorial Day

"More Than Barbecues"
My Adventures in History (May 25, 2008)

""What's Memorial Day for?" asked my friend. After proceeding to explain why we celebrate the upcoming holiday, I wondered how many people have asked this same question. I know I have. In the past, it has been quickly dismissed as just another holiday, where we get an extra day off of work to have barbecues. So what is Memorial Day exactly?..."

I missed this one, when Memorial Day weekend was coming up. But, it's got some good thoughts - and a couple of links - so, 'better late than never.'


  1. Hey, thanks for the micro-review of my post. I hope you come back to my site every once in a while when you can!

    It looks like you do a lot of post reviews. Very informative of what's out there in the blogosphere!


  2. Rebecca,

    Thanks for the comment, and the good words.


Thanks for your comment!