Top Posts, the Lemming,
and Other Stuff

Sunday, May 18, 2008

Old Articles About Old Stuff: History of Earth's Continents

  • "Ancient rock points to life's origin"
    BBC News (July 8, 2002)
    "The continents were moving across the face of the Earth much sooner than had been thought, according to new evidence from China."
  • "Ancient supercontinent proposed"
    BBC News (March 25, 2002)
    "An ancient supercontinent, far older than anything proposed before, has been pieced together by an international team of geologists.
    "The giant landmass, which has been dubbed Columbia, would have spread across the face of the Earth more than one and a half billion years ago." With maps. This would have predated Pangea by a good bit.
  • "Rocks reveal ancient tides"
    BBC News (October 5, 2000)
    "The Earth's oceans were being tugged by tides more than three billion years ago, according to an analysis of rocks in South Africa."

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