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Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Not a Bebo Member? Be Glad!

"Bebo's HUGE error! (UPDATED)"
Jake's Blog (May 21, 2008)

"We all seem to trust that the information we provide to social networking sites such as Bebo and Facebook is safe and secure, and that our account really is our account that nobody else can access or view certain parts of. However an incident such as the one that has occured tonight makes you think differently about your privacy and security in online communities.

"At about midnight tonight I was logged in to Bebo under my own account ... "

Looks like Bebo has been randomly connecting members with other members' accounts when they log on.

Not good public relations.

More at

(Thanks to BlogCatalog's MarkStoneman, for bringing this up in a discussion thread: "A Social Network Nightmare" (started May 20, 2008).)

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