Top Posts, the Lemming,
and Other Stuff

Friday, May 16, 2008

Giant Cow: There's Something You Don't See Every Day

Chilli is "Britain's biggest bovine," as a British news service put it.

"Giant cow set for the record books"
Chard & Ilminster News (May 13, 2008)

"FERNE Animal Sanctuary in Chard is set for the record books after raising a giant cow.

"Chilli the bullock stands at a massive 6ft 6ins tall and weighs well over a ton.

"The black and white Friesian, who dwarfs most horses, is the same height as a small elephant and was dumped at the sanctuary at just six-days-old in 1999."

There's a photo of Chilli, with some fellow standing by his rear legs. That's a big animal.

There's more about Chilli at the Ferne Animal Sanctuary's "The Ferne Clarion." The lead article now is "Meet Chilli the Gentle Giant."

There's also a video (2:22) of an ITV news story: "Giant cow hoping for world record."

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