Top Posts, the Lemming,
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Sunday, May 18, 2008

Flashlight Museum

"Flashlight Museum"

"Now there are 4 pages of Vintage Flashlights For Sale.

"They have been updated, so be sure to check back every few months.

"If you are seeking unusual new flashlights try my friend, Dae's, site in China. Tell them I sent you and they will treat you right - might even throw in a gift. ... "

"I have acted as an expert witness in 6 flashlight litigation matters. As an attorney and flashlight historian, I have been instrumental in defending and prosecuting cases involving flashlight patents and claims. I am available as an expert witness through my law office number."

There's more, about the history of flashlights. With photos.

I enjoyed this Web page, partly because I have used a flashlight very much like the 1902 Reliable flashlight shown in one of the photos. It was much more effective than many of the things you get today - and probably cost more, in comparison to wages back then.

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