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Wednesday, May 14, 2008

British National Archives Releases Decades of UFO Documents - Online

"Britain Opens Up Secret UFO Files" (May 13, 2008)

"LONDON — The men were air traffic controllers. Experienced, calm professionals. Nobody was drinking.

"What they saw has never been explained. And they were so worried about losing their jobs that they demanded their names be kept off the official reports.

"No one, they knew, would believe their claim that an unidentified flying object landed at the airfield they were overseeing in the east of England, touched down briefly, then took off again at tremendous speed."

Britain's National Archives released over 1,000 pages of 'unusual aerial phenomenon' in that country, including what those two traffic controllers saw. The documents have been classified 'secret' up to now.

The UK National Archives went one better, and put the documents online. You could start looking at "Unidentified Flying Objects (UFOs)" for background, at the National Archives's home page, or by using the Archive's search function, with terms like UFO.

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