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Saturday, May 31, 2008

3D Modelers' Tool: Looks GoodI


"UVMapper Professional is a stand-alone texture mapping utility for the creation and modification of UV coordinates for n-sided polygonal 3D models. UVMapper Professional offers multiple, fully configurable viewports with completely interactive 2D and 3D views. It includes planar, box, cylindrical, spherical and polar mapping modes, all of which are available in a realtime, interactive mapping environment. Also included are many other tools such as Relax UVs and Subdivision Surfaces that will allow you to bring your texture mapping skills to the next level. Whether you are a beginner, intermediate or professional 3D artist, UVMapper Professional will provide you with everything you need to texture map the most demanding models."

I do some 3D image work, and this was recommended to me. It's supposed to 'unwrap' the surface of an existing model, allowing someone to 'paint' new colors and patterns on the model.

Pretty neat, for modelers. Utterly irrelevant to everyone else.

Next step, for me, will be to see how (and if) it works.

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