Top Posts, the Lemming,
and Other Stuff

Friday, April 18, 2008

Learning to Write English: It Can be Done

" Ten Practical Tips for Writing in English" (February, 2008)

These ten points are written with someone who doesn't speak English as a cradle language in mind. But I'm a native American-English speaker - and benefited from reading these. A good review, at the very least.

Here are the headings for those ten points:
  1. Read in English
  2. Listen to native speakers
  3. When writing in English, think in English
  4. Write
  5. Trust your gut
  6. Proofread
  7. Have English-speaking friends who are not afraid to correct your mistakes
  8. Study spelling and grammar
  9. Commas and hyphenation - the tricky buggers
  10. Relax
There's a great deal of good advice under each heading - also links to other resources, and a look at how Finnish works.

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