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Friday, April 25, 2008

Ivanukite: Promising New Mineral

"Safe nuclear dump discovered"
Russia Today (April 12, 2008)

Ivanukite sounds almost too good to be true.

"Russian geologists have discovered a new mineral which absorbs radiation from liquid nuclear waste. They are now striving to chemically clone it, in the hope it may help solve the problem of radioactive waste disposal."

"...'The discovery of this mineral is a great thing, but how it will be used? How exactly will it absorb all nuclear waste - and where will it be stored after that? asks Sergey Zhavoronkin, nuclear expert."

All good questions.

This substance sounds very promising, but I hope that 'due diligence' is exercised. I'm old enough to remember when asbestos was a wonder-substance that provided affordable, effective insulation.

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