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Thursday, April 10, 2008

Email Personality Types: An Unscientific, Superficial, Thoroughly Fun, and Rather Accurate List

"Which E-mail Personality Type are YOU?"
Of Cabbages and Kings (April 9, 2008)

"Forwards, spams, scams, notes from family and friends... It all ends up in our email Inboxes and we each have our own way of dealing with it.

"So here at Of Cabbages and Kings, our diligent team of researchers... (okay, well, the Jane Austen bobblehead on my desk and I)...."

What follows is the result of almost a half-hour of exhaustive study.

Now, revealed to the world: an exhaustive categorization -- well, a list, anyway, of email personality types, from "The Serial Forwarder" to "The Generous Newbie."


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