Top Posts, the Lemming,
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Tuesday, April 22, 2008

A Cautionary Tale of an Angry Customer and a Guy in a UFC Jacket

"We Need One Of These In Every Store"
[The Customer is] Not Always Right (Funny & Stupid Customer Quotes)

Here's how it starts:

"Employee *making out a rain check* 'Okay, so I’m just going to look on the computer and check if any other locations have this item.'

"Customer: 'Okay, thanks.'

"Another customer in line: 'Stop f***ing socializing and do your goddamn job!'"

Things went downhill quickly after that. You'll have to read the post to see what happened.

Two observations:
  1. I'm culturally deprived, so I didn't realize that "UFC" probably refers to "Ultimate Fighting Championship®
  2. Anyone who has worked as a retail clerk for more than a few weeks has probably had an experience something like this - except not with such a satisfactory ending

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