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Wednesday, March 12, 2008

That was Close! Near Earth Objects

"The Tetons Meteor of 1972, a near miss" (video of 8-millimeter color movie clip, August 10, 1972)

A few seconds of 8-mm film show a meteor about 58 kilometers (36 miles) up, headed north. Happily, it kept going and headed back into space.

There's another copy of the video at "The Tetons Meteor, A Near Miss - Video" - with somewhat less informed text

  • "PLANETARY DEFENSE Department of Defense Cost for the Detection, Exploration, and Rendezvous Mission of Near-Earth Objects"
    Airpower Journal (Summer 1997)
  • "1908 Siberia Explosion" Reconstructing an Asteroid Impact from Eyewitness Accounts"
    Planetary Science Institute (undated)
  • "Tunguska Event"
    earth science australia (undated)

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