Top Posts, the Lemming,
and Other Stuff

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Mommy Bloggers: You're Not Alone

"In Defense of Mommy Bloggers" BlogCatalog discussion thread

A rather eloquent defense, or, rather, explanation, of "mommy bloggers. The woman who started this discussion thread points out that "mommy blogs give those professional women suddenly living in a new world ... a way to connect with other people who care about and understand the same things that are so big in their worlds...."

There are, apparently, people who disdain "mommy blogs" because "the world is full of people who couldn't care less."

Oddly, although I've read quite a bit of condescending and/or scornful comments about "mommy blogs," other sorts of special-interest blogs seem to be more acceptable. For example: "Fake Plastic Fish" - a blog about
  • Dead gadgets
  • A wholistic health practice in downtown Toronto, Ontario
  • 3.5 oz of plastic waste
  • And more

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