Top Posts, the Lemming,
and Other Stuff

Friday, February 29, 2008

World's Worst High School Analogies:
This One Might Actually be Original!

"Worst Analogies Ever Written in a High School Essay" marcy.risque[at] (March 31, 1997)


If this looks familiar, it should. I posted a link to an almost-identical "Worst Analogies..." last year ("Worst High School Analogies, plus Gilbert and Sullivan" (August 29, 2007)).

I could start a rant about intellectual property, international copyright laws, and common courtesy. I'll leave it at this:

Quite a few people on the Web think that they have a right to steal (oops - copy) someone else's work, without attribution, and post it on their own pages.

I don't know whether they're lazy, ignorant of law and custom, careless, or some combination.

Back to that list: It's funny. If I read it, maybe I'll shake this blue funk I'm in.

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