Top Posts, the Lemming,
and Other Stuff

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Windows Cleanup and File Compression:
That's Interesting

My main computer's hard drive got nearly full the other day. Between my work, and what my kids had been doing, there was about 5% of the disk left.

So, I started dealing with the situation. Among other things, I used the "Disk Cleanup" utility that came with Windows XP. And compressed all files that hadn't been used recently.

Not to self: don't make system-wide changes after midnight.

Now, I'm wondering if compressing those files was a good idea.

Since I thought someone else might be interested in what I've found on the Web, about this file compression question, here are the better resources I found: Now, when I have a little time, and am quite awake, I'll have to try some of these procedures.

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