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Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Google Puts Inner City Press Back on Google News

"Google Quietly Reinstates Work of News Organization Critical of U.N."
(February 20, 2008)

"...Inner City Press returned to the Google News search late in the day, but much sooner than the "couple weeks" a Google representative had promised. The week of stories the news service ran since Google News dropped it on Feb. 13 were not restored. ..."

Still, it's good news.

It turns out that there was one complaint against the very small news company. It claimed that Inner City Press is a one-man operation. Matthew Lee, the owner, says that he's got enough employees to satisfy Google.

This Google insists that it didn't drop Inner City Press because it had the wrong views about United Nations corruption, and the United Nations said that they didn't ask Google to drop the whistleblower.

Maybe so, but I'm glad that there's a free Web and blogosphere, where people can discuss matters like the Inner City Press issue.

I wrote about this on Monday: "Google Drops Inner City News: Censorship? or a Reasonable Response to Complaints?" (February 18, 2008)

That's Inner City Press"
"Reporting and Taking Action Since 1987"

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