Top Posts, the Lemming,
and Other Stuff

Saturday, February 2, 2008

Better Ideas From China:
Glow-in-the-Dark Pigs

"Green pig gives birth to glowing piglets" "" (January 9, 2008)

"China sees results as progress toward growing organs for human transplant"

These glow-in-the-dark transgenic pigs show that a genetic alteration worked its way into every cell of the pig, that the pig could have piglets, and that the second generation had the same weird trait.

Assuming that the research report is accurate and complete.

The Chinese are looking beyond obvious practical applications like porcine night-lights. A Chinese scientist said that pigs with designer genes could provide organs for transplant to humans, without the problems that human-to-human transplants have.

Meanwhile, South Korean scientists have developed cats that glow red. Why, I've no idea.

The MSNBC / AP article didn't bring it up: but there are some ethical questions about transplant-friendly pigs. As I understand it, it depends in part on where the coding comes from.

What a brave new world we live in!

More ideas - good, dubious, and strange - at "Better Ideas From ... "

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