Top Posts, the Lemming,
and Other Stuff

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Googlebomb: New Word for an Old Impulse

"Scientology Googlebomb"

... and now I've got a new word: Googlebomb. (The page defines Googlebomb as "A Googlebomb means a lot of people get together to link to a specific site, often an 'enemy site,' using specific e.g. funny link text. This way, the target site will appear ranked at #1 in Google for this text, making for an embarrassing effect.")

This strikes me as the online equivalent of naughty boys writing someone's name on a lavatory wall. Except that in this case, we all suffer when the people who maintain search engines have to spend their time sorting out the mess, instead of designing the next set of improvements.

Okay: rant over.

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