Top Posts, the Lemming,
and Other Stuff

Saturday, January 26, 2008

Gluten-Free Cooking: Someone's Blogging About this!

"Gluten-Free Girl
by Shauna James Ahern"

The most recent entry on this blog is "the joy of eating 'Mexican' food."

I wasn't going to post here until Sunday (see my earlier post), but this is too good to pass up. Particularly since my oldest daughter is gluten-intolerant. She likes wheat products just fine: but her body can't process them correctly.

One paragraph of "Gluten-Free Girl" jumped out at me while skimming it:

"Of course, I’m well aware that what I’m calling Mexican food should probably be written as 'Mexican' food. (Maybe in that former life I worked in the kitchen of a Tex-Mex restaurant.) In most of the US, we eat a watered-down, overly bland version of real Mexican food."

I can identify with that. I'm half Norwegian, and sometimes had gjetost ("geitost" is a more global spelling), a goats-milk cheese. Geitost, or gjesost is pronounced "yaytost," more or less.

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