Top Posts, the Lemming,
and Other Stuff

Saturday, December 29, 2007

A Very Cool Bubble Dream Castle on the Blue Coast

"Chateau Bulles"

Fourteen photos of an oceanside retreat for people who don't like straight lines. And who do like living on the Côte d'Azur near Cannes.

There's a rather breathless description of the place, "Antti LOVAG'S 'BUBBLES DREAM CASTLE'" that ends with the ominous promise (threat?), "It is all this, living in Antti LOVAG's 'Bubbles Dream Castle', which will change your life."

There's a more 'just the facts' description at the aptly-titled "Description."

And, perhaps in deference to American culture, Cap West International includes a mis-placed apostrophe in its upper-right navigation bar("Photo's" where "Photos" should be). (Webmasters: While you're there, check out the match between the "Home Introduction Description Photo's" text and the links. Remember: it's important that a link links to what it says it links to.)

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