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Thursday, December 27, 2007

Tired of Crazy Lawsuits?
You're Not the Only One

"U.S. Chamber Institute for Legal Reform's "I am Lawsuit"

"When I heard $67 million, I said to myself, 'Nonsense'... How could he claim this much over a pair of pants?" Remember Jin and Soo Chung? They're the mom & pop dry cleaners targeted by a judge with $67-million-dollar pants.

They're not the only people who have been hurt by a lunatic lawsuits.

"I Am Lawsuit is a project of the U.S. Chamber Institute for Legal Reform (ILR). ILR is a national campaign, representing the nation's business community, with the critical mission of making America's legal system simpler, fairer and faster for everyone. ILR was founded by the U.S. Chamber of Commerce in 1998 to address the country's litigation explosion."

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