Top Posts, the Lemming,
and Other Stuff

Saturday, October 6, 2007

Six Hours Past Thursday: Odd Name for a Good Blog

" Six Hours Past Thursday" seems to be a blog about investments, dubious-to-fraudulent offers and claims on the Internet, and related topics.

The blog's author is Jack Payne, "...the founder and first editor/publisher of the newsletter, Business Opportunities Digest. His 55 business books have sold over 1.1 million copies, and his best-selling How To Make a Fortune in Finders Fees remained in print 25 years."

This looks like a good online resource, written by someone who knows what he's talking about.
  • "Con Man's Little-Known Stock Options Scams--Legal or Fraudulent?"
  • "Legal Con Man Scam?--Learn How Easy You Can Lose Weight"
  • "Legal Thriller Author Asks: Legal Stock Tips or Con Man Boiler Room?--Are You a Victim?"

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