Top Posts, the Lemming,
and Other Stuff

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Technophobes! This Blog's for You!

I don't usually use so many exclamation marks, but the blog title, "A Technophobes Guide to the Internet!," forced my hand.

With an exclamation mark in the title, I felt I had to out-emphasize it, just to make my post title stand out.

Nonsense aside, "A Technophobes Guide to the Internet!" describes itself as "a ONE STOP online resource for freelance writers and bloggers who want to be a success on the Internet."

More to the point, it's a site for technophobes.

If you don't know a subscript tag from a router, this blog might be right for you.

Quoting the blog's author, "I don't attempt to explain anything, just write what my meager understanding of these things is, which would fit on the back of a postage stamp!

"I think for technophobes like me it may be a slightly more user friendly approach to introducing these 'tools' to those afraid to read about them on IT literate sites."

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