Top Posts, the Lemming,
and Other Stuff

Friday, September 28, 2007

Myanmar / Burma: a Burmese Perspective

"Get Involved in the Struggle to Free Burma!" is the advice of "," consisting of The U.S. branch's website includes a letter to United Nations Secretary General Ban Ki-moon, signed by over two dozen Hollywood celebrities (Cher didn't make the cut, it seems).

The knowledge that two egg cartons' worth of Hollywood big shots signed a letter doesn't impress me as much as it might.

A detail in the letter jumped out at me, though. It says that "according to the United Nations expert on human rights in Burma, the ruling military regime has burned down or otherwise destroyed over 3,000 villages in eastern Burma, forcing over 1 million and a half people to flee their homes."

That doesn't sound good.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for your comments.

    I like to think that a post or two like this can make a difference: sort of like drops of water.

    One or two drops of water moving will make little effect on anything larger than a leaf.

    One or two drops of water moving in the same direction as millions of other drops change the face of the Earth.

    About your "absurd thought" -- I skimmed over your blog.

    I assume that your blog's name is to be taken at face value, and that these are, indeed, absurd thoughts.

    Because I'm a devout Catholic, and take my beliefs seriously, I have to mention that, according to Catholic belief, free will exists. In other words, God doesn't take the fall, when some power-hungry dictator throws his weight around.


Thanks for your comment!