Top Posts, the Lemming,
and Other Stuff

Monday, September 10, 2007

It's Not Just About Avacados

"Healthy Living for People and Planet Earth" isn't the sort of new-age-and-love-beads sixties holdout that the title might suggest. Not that I'd think that, of course.

Will Taft covers a broad range of topics for healthy living. The most recent entry is about avocados, but there's more to the blog than than.


  1. Hi! Thanks for the compliment! No love beads here, just lots of love!

    I saw that one person posted she actually has an avocado tree in her back yard. Imagine being that lucky!


  2. Thank you!

    About the back yard avocado tree: I'd think the trick would be to get at them before the birds do.


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