Top Posts, the Lemming,
and Other Stuff

Friday, September 28, 2007

Burma or Myanmar, the Place Needs Help

"Show support for Myanmar Democracy Movement" has an idea for showing support for the people in Burma.

Sorry. A military junta decided they'd rather call the country "Myanmar."

Whatever you call the country, the place is a mess and could use some help.

UPDATE - LATER September 28, 2007

"Macellarius Est Blog For Burma" is a new blog. Quoting the prologue: "Watching the events unfolding in Burma, I cannot help but write this letter, to the people of Burma and the rest of the world, for the sake of peace and democracy. Let the fruits of liberty be shared."


  1. Hi, thanks for the mention!!

    Hopefully to finish my badge design, Im not good with graphics editing, so it takes time.

    It's really sad, even for us who are neighbors of Myanmar. We have good relations with Vietnam, a communist country, but the Myanmar Military Junta is totally different. If there are leftists and rightists, the Junta is out-of-the-league.

  2. First, my pleasure!

    Second, graphic design takes time, I know: I'd appreciate it if you'd leave a comment here, when your badge is ready (with a URL or link, please). I hope that people will pick it up.

    Third, my sympathies for everyone living in the region.

  3. thanks for mentioning my Blog for Burma


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