Top Posts, the Lemming,
and Other Stuff

Thursday, September 13, 2007

A Blogging Blog for Bloggers

"Blogging Blog Blogging for the love of it"

This looks like a fun blog.

The first few posts include talk-up of
  • OneWebDay (September 22) modeled on Earth Day
  • Blog Action Day (October 15) "bloggers around the web will unite to put a single important issue on everyone’s mind - the environment." Everyone!
  • The W Magical List of Women Bloggers
  • Female Bloggers Getting Harassed
  • No Integrity for Some Bloggers
The last item is about the very debatable practice of paid reviews.

In the sidebar is my personal favorite: "blogging for a cause / Bloggers Unite / blogging for hope," BlogCatalog's online campaign to stop abuse. What makes the BlogCatalog campaign stand out is that the specific kind of abuse to be addressed is left up to the individual. As someone who isn't "everyone," I find that refreshing.

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