Top Posts, the Lemming,
and Other Stuff

Saturday, August 11, 2007

"Writer's Block" Cure: Big Claim, Good Advice

" Eliminate 'Writer's Block' Forever" is a pretty big claim. Writer's block, the inability to get anything written, is something every writer runs into sooner or later.

Generally, sooner.

This advice is what the author calls "The real stuff" from someone who started writing professionally at 15, and was 40 when "Eliminate 'Writer's Block' Forever" was posted.

I've been a researcher/writer, and spent 10 years as an advertising copywriter. I can say from experience that this advice works.

It's nothing new, and hardly a secret, but "EWBF" is one of the better-written, easy-to-understand, re-tellings of this idea that I've run into.

Not to steal the author's thunder, but his advice boils down to one word:


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