Top Posts, the Lemming,
and Other Stuff

Sunday, August 12, 2007

A Tech Support Guy's Lot is Not a Happy One

Tech Support: I've been on both sides of the phone.

On one particularly maddening occasion as a user, I went 'round a circle twice, so I could tell the next poor soul at [software publisher] I encountered that
  • [software publisher product] support told me the problem was with [retail store]'s bundle of products - talk to them
  • [retail store] told me that the problem was with the operating system, so I should talk to [operating system company]
  • [operating system company] told me that the problem was with [software publisher product], so I should talk to them
So, here I am, back at {software publisher]. For the third time!

I never did get that issue resolved. Eventually, I developed a workaround.

Then there are my tech support experiences. But, instead of going into that, I'll steer you to An Open Letter to Anyone Asking Me For Computer Help. The writer's 11-point list of experiences and observations is worth reading: for entertainment, or as a sort of educational experience.

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