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Saturday, August 25, 2007

Stumble Upon as a Promotional Tool

"Webby Online / Living as an Internet Entrepreneur's" June 29, 2007 post, How to Use StumbleUpon to Promote" says that StumbleUpon can be used to promote pages, blogs, and/or websites.

I'd appreciate knowing what others think of StumbleUpon as a promotional tool.


  1. I tried SU for a while. Maybe I didn't use it the right way, but I didn't see the upside for the amount of effort, at least for me. But I'm not closing the door on it though in the future.

  2. Thanks for the feedback. I'm a "Stumbler" myself, mostly for entertainment purposes.

    Partly, though, to quickly run through pre-selected bits and pieces of the web - to find fodder for this blog, and others.


Thanks for your comment!