Top Posts, the Lemming,
and Other Stuff

Saturday, August 4, 2007

Photos Online: People-Pleasers and Traffic-Boosters?

People like pictures.

I discovered that when I started putting photos on my "Brendan's Island" website. The gallery pages became among the most heavily-trafficked on the site.

Some blogs are almost completely devoted to pictures. A few are worth visiting. One of the latter is Photos from northern Norway: A photo blog. The creator of this blog recently created a downloadable desktop wallpaper: he refers to it as pebbles and rocks, I believe. It's a good-enough-to-hang piece of photographic artwork, sized for wallpaper use.

I think he's got a good idea for boosting traffic to his blog.

My background in direct mail (junk mail, to anyone not professionally involved with the stuff) tells me that the only way to be sure that those pictures boots traffic is to carefully analyze his blogs statistics. But that's a topic for another post.

The general lesson here is, photos and graphics should be good for your website or blog, and good traffic boosters: if they have something to do with your content.

If they are the content, do your visitors a favor, and make sure that you follow some sort of theme: pictures of something, about something, pictures which are predominantly puce, or whatever your inner muse suggests.

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