Top Posts, the Lemming,
and Other Stuff

Wednesday, August 8, 2007

Good Titles for Blog Posts

The title of your blog post, or anything else on the Web, may be the only part of your work a visitor sees.

Make sure it describes what is in your post, is at least mildly interesting, and - this is important - make sure that it doesn't give the wrong impression.

A post in the Discussion section of an online community I'm in, BlogCatalog, had a post titled "Sharing something that will Open your Mind!"

I grew up in the sixties, and this title immediately reminded me of professor Timothy "Turn on, Tune in, Drop out" Leary, the "Age of Aquarius" song, and people seeking enlightenment through smoking banana peels.

I was intrigued. Instead of some weird living fossil from the scintillating sixties, I found the link you'll find in this blog's previous post.

And I'd have missed it, if it weren't for my interest in anachronisms (and nearly everything else).

Getting back on topic: Groovy titles may be a gas, but they're all show, no go. Titles that accurately reflect both the content and the tone of the post are primo. My attempt to re-write the "open your mind" post's title was What We Expect to See is What We See - and a video to prove it.

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