Top Posts, the Lemming,
and Other Stuff

Monday, September 28, 2015

The Lemming Will Be Back

First, the good news. The Lemming will be back.

Maybe that's not good news. It depends on your viewpoint, but the Lemming thing's it's a 'plus.'

Now, not-so-good news. The Lemming needs a vacation. More accurately, the Lemming is taking a vacation. It started several hours ago.

The Lemming shall return. There might even be something ready by Friday. Then again, maybe there won't. That depends on what the Lemming runs into during the next few days.

That didn't come out right. The Lemming doesn't run into things. Not that way. It depends on what the Lemming finds that might conceivably be of some interest.

No, that's too wordy.

The Lemming definitely needs a vacation, and will be back — as soon as the Lemming gets back, and not a minute sooner.

Friday, September 25, 2015

Escape From Klagfinster Poster

Coming soon to a planet near you: Galaxy Cadet collectibles, stuff you didn't know you need; and probably don't.

Featured this week, genuine replica theater artwork from Baum Media Productions: "Escape From Klagfinster" posters in glorious color and two dimensions!

And remember: "When You See the Bee, You Know It's a Baum!"

This poster, and other stuff you won't find at Hallmark, is for sale at Brian H. Gill's Shop (

Posts which aren't entirely unrelated to this one:

Friday, September 18, 2015

In a Wizard's Home

"Do not wander in a wizard's home as if it were a marketplace."

— Drebniks' Maxims

More from the Lemming, or less:

Friday, September 11, 2015

Island Flight

Getting there isn't necessarily half the fun, the Lemming writes. It is, however, an essential prerequisite to arrival: so the traveler may as well relax and enjoy the process.

More from the Lemming, and an alliterative artist:

Friday, September 4, 2015

Speak Softly - - -

"Speak softly, and ride a big dragon."

— Drebniks' Maxims

More from the Lemming, or less: