Sunday, February 21, 2010

Super Junior's Sorry Sorry: One Song, Two Music Videos, Lots of Dancers

"Philippine Prison (Super Junior) -Sorry Sorry"

KarlFultonMorantte, YouTube (September 30, 2009)
video, 3:57

"Prisoners in the Philippines dancing to the beat of the song Sorry Sorry from Super Junior."

Okay: If group choreography was an Olympic sport, these guys might not get the gold medal.

On the other hand, they're good! In my opinion, anyway. It doesn't hurt that I like the music and the style of dance.

Here's a more 'original' music video with that song:

"안무Full영상_SuperJunior-SORRYSORRY_ Only댄스Ver"

sment, YouTube (June 08, 2009)
video, 3:52

"안무Full영상_SuperJunior-SORRYSORR Y_ Only댄스Ver"

Another well-done music video. More conventional execution, of course. I wonder in kids (for me, that's anyone under about 35) realize how long this general sort of thing has been done? Styles have changed a bit over the decades, of course.

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