Thursday, January 15, 2009

40 of the Most Creative Lamps: Cute, Morbid, Weird, and Otherwise

"40 of The Most Creative Lamp Designs Ever"
Home Gadgets, via freshome (October 19, 2008)

"We all know that one of the easiest ways you have to light a dark corner in any room or add some atmospheric lighting to your living-room area, is to place your choice of lamp. With numerous designs, shapes, colors, dimensions or lighting abilities, lamps constitute one of the most convenient methods one has to alter the lighting tone of a room...."

(from freshome, used without permission)

This lamp is one of the more ordinary, run-of-the-mill examples from the article.

Each lamp has a photo and description. One is described as morbid. My term would have been macabre, but I won't quibble.

One of the lamps, Alien Abduction Lamp, isn't available commercially yet. That's bad news for people with a taste for Area 51 conspiracies, science fiction fans, and twenty-something guys with at least moderately geeky interests.

Some other lamps are either not in production yet, or no longer made: but they're still cool.

"Bulbs Unlimited" is a a kit for making lamps out of recycled light bulbs.

(from freshome, used without permission)

You see? I wasn't making that up.

With the eclectic range of styles, tastes, and lack of taste, in this 'top-40,' you'll probably find a lamp or two that you'll like. Whether you'd want to spend money on one of these things is a whole different question.

1 comment:

Brigid said...

The second one reminded me of the Mario Brothers game even before I read the description.

The morbid one... uh, yeah.

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