Saturday, December 27, 2008

Innovative Baths and Showers: Some of Them Might Really Work

"18 Innovative and Sexy Shower and Bath Designs"
WebUrbanist (December 23, 2008)

"'Tis the season to truly appreciate a ready supply of steaming hot water you can stand in after coming in from the wind, rain and snow. For the innovation-minded, there are a host of creative, stylish new ways to bath or shower in that blessed warmth…as these 18 examples illustrate. Soak them up, and have a blast!..."

This is a fun post, with over a dozen sets of photos showing technically interesting and aesthetically appealing showers.

It also shows one unit which - I'm sorry - looks like an overgrown version of something I see every time I go into a men's lavatory:

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